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10 Best Travelled Locations

Not in any order….

  1. Arriving in Durban South Africa after a night of cyclonic conditions, waves bigger than the ship.

  2. Village of Bodrum in South Turkey. An ancient wonder of the world. Now loved to death!

  3. Hitching a ride with a Kuwati engineer from Lebanon to Kuwait. He was fluent in English. We laughed and played his cassette tapes for 24 hours and he delivered me to a new hospital where I donated my A+ blood. They paid me $80!

  4. Walking down Fleet Street an hour after landing where I applied for an advertising position. 2 hours later I had a full time job at Manpower.

  5. Climbing giants rocks and mountains in South Africa with Bob and Chris Coleridge. Beautiful Drakensberg mountains with Antelope herds watching on! A wild Atlantic Coastline, coldest water on the planet!

  6. New York City. Everything it claims to be!

  7. Wild music at a funeral in Cairo Egypt. A wondrous celebration like nothing I have ever sen or heard elsewhere!

  8. I was visiting Canada to catch up with some friends. A harmonica player in the street was the best ever free concert. These same Canadians owned a dog named Artouk!

  9. Arrested by UK police in London and given 2 years. I appealed and I won. London Bobbys are hard to beat! 

  10. 10.Arriving in Sydney after a flight from Hong Kong. Walked to the front door of my cousin Moya’s house and no-one was home. Slept on front verandah in the heavy rain. A warm welcome back! Soon after arriving back I bought a puppy and called him Artouk. It is the Eskimo name for leader.


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