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A List of the Best

A question which has to be asked is “What is the best album/LP released in the Rock

era?” And of course there is “Which is the best Rock band?” Who is the greatest opera

singer? Caruso? Pavarotti? Lanza? Sutherland? Villazon? Who is the greatest ever

Olympic athlete? Who is the greatest ever soccer player? Who is the greatest ever tennis

player? (Laver or Federer?)

Who was the greatest painter? Turner, Constable, Rembrandt, Goya? Some people have

been known to argue for hours, if not days, about these topics and the answers can’t be

known so we won’t bother joining in here.

In 2016 a BBC music writer released his book “Never a dull moment, 1971, The Best ever

year for rock music.” And then he promoted it on the BBC followed by the ABC and any

other media outlet that would have him. The poor sod. I heard him and also read parts of

the book. He commenced in 1953 and compared musical years through to 2016. One of

his quotes “I was there when it was happening in 1971 and rock history is now” says it all.

Poor David Hopworth with all his detailed analysis. One can be as objective, subjective,

researched, informed and write 100,000 words to support how clever you think you are

but the end result is simply your own personal opinion or taste. Just because you think it

or you’re passionate about it, doesn’t make it correct. But you still think it does, right?

Well, we are going to make a list of some of the best Rock bands and singers ever to get

together and let them fight it out. But before we do, here is a question for all the musical

A List of the Best

experts and historians out there (and, yes, I believe

I belong to that group!). At the end of WW2 in 1945

and the following years to 1954 when Bill Haley

recorded “Rock around the clock” and blasted the

world awake, there is a clear gap in musical styles.

In 1946 we had swing/ dance orchestras, jazz, big

bands and crooners. There was hillbilly, soon to

become C&W and gospel but not much else. Who

took it from swing to rock in that eight years? You

give up? Clueless? Don’t care? Nobody has

confirmed this but I think it was Louis Jordan and

his band. They played “jump” like no-one had ever


heard and then the style jumped and rolled to become rock’n’roll. Elvis came along soon

after and his band full of phenomenal players were named “The Jordanaires”. Was that a

tribute to Louis Jordan (who has been totally overlooked) or a co-incidence?

This list of the best includes groups of all sizes as well as singers who may have had

various backing bands at different times. The order is random and the winners are

nominated at the end.

Carlos Santana

The Who

Camel. Step aside Pink Floyd here comes Camel. Didn’t produce enough albums but so

good and at times out shining Pink Floyd. They just miss out. NO.

John Martyn. Under appreciated but wrote and created four fine LPs. Never reached a

wide audience. Sorry, John but NO.

The The . A Melbourne band with the worst name in rock history. No surprise that you

have never heard of them. NO.

Santana. Has anyone in the history of rock soared like Carlos

Santana? He was off the planet at times but YES. On the list.

The Eagles. Love them or loathe we have to include them due

to the amount of good material they wrote and produced. YES.

On list.

Jimi Hendrix. Admired by many but not consistently good

enough. NO.

Led Zeppelin. Of course they are in the

running and high on the list. YES.

The Who. A better name than The The.

And what a band they were. Pete

Townsend is considered by many to be a

musical genius and not many sang it

better than Daltrey. YES.

Joe Bonamassa. Incredible Rock/Bluesman. As good as the greatest ever and reputation

is increasing. YES.

Al Jarreau. This guy was unequalled as a vocalist for over thirty years yet has also created

some of the worst excesses heard by man. Was he experimenting? Showing off? Was he

high? His best were polished diamonds but there were lots of rough stones as well. Can’t

include him. NO.

ABBA. Don’t laugh. They did it all themselves, writing,

producing, singing the catchiest LPs ever and their

music will never die. YES YES.

Bad Company. They thought they were good but not

good enough. NO.

Coldplay. The first three albums were a revelation but

the standard is dropping. They have to be considered. YES

U2. There are a lot of Brit bands appearing on the list and here is another of the greats. Of

course its YES.

Journey. This band was really something and without doubt lead singer Steve Perry has

the greatest male voice in Rock history. Unsurpassed. YES.

Radiohead. Consistent they were not but they were acknowledged as the best in world for

a few years there. Also very innovative. Yes.

AC/DC. Of course they are included even though they were very formulaic. They certainly

rocked. Yes.

Luther Vandross. Sensational voice but you need more than that. NO.

One Direction. Obviously a poor joke. No.

Jethro Tull. All the albums sound the same. So he stands on one leg and plays a wild

flute. So what? NO.


Crowded House. Paul McCartney nominated Neil Finn as the best songwriter in the world.

It hurts but they are not in the running. NO.

Michael Jackson. Thriller was something but it ended there. NO

The Beatles. Prolific. Three songwriters and four singers. Blasphemy to leave them out.


The Beatles

Rolling Stones. Almost forgot them! Their best album “Some Girls” was years ago and we

can’t say “best” so we’ll say strongest. All their albums rocked even tho’ Keith Richard

stole his riffs from anyone. A big YES.

Van Morrison. He wrote most of his

material. Produced it, sang it and felt it

like no-one else. Of course it is YES.

Talking Heads. Clever, clever band and

listen to them doing “Take me to the

river” (the Al Greene song) and you’ll

know how good they were but

reluctantly ...NO.

Stevie Wonder. When he was 11 yrs old and Motown

found him they thought he might be a musical genius.

When he was 22 he had proved it. Has to be YES.

Babe Ruth. Great band but not around long enough. NO.

America. They lived in the shadow of The Eagles but

beautiful chord structure and harmonies. I hate to cull

them but NO.

Crosby, Stills, Nash, Young. Don’t they belong in the best

ever group? NO.

Stevie Wonder

Cold Chisel. Very impressive career and some standout

tracks but Barnes was never on key in his life so its NO.

David Bowie. Simply incredible. What a creative career.

Obviously YES.

Dire Straits (Mark Knopfler). Simply incredible as well.

How can they/he be left out. Just as obviously its YES.

We are well aware that there are hundreds who have

been left out but before we select the winner here ar

our selections in the minor categories.

Van Morrison

Neil Finn

David Bowie

Paul McCartney

Neil Young

David Bowie


Roberta Flack

Stevie Wonder

David Gray

Best Composer:

And the winner is .....Van Morrison.

Best Female Vocalist:

Donna Summer


Aretha Franklin

Annie Lennox

Dusty Springfield

Roberta Flack

Barbra Streisand

Amy Winehouse

And the winner is.... Annie Lennox.

Steve Perry

Best Male Vocalist:

The clear winner in a field of hundreds is Steve Perry. (Journey)

And the Major winner after a life of writing, playing, producing in

great bands, groups as well as solo is...... Neil Young. He has

created music in at least ten categories from rock to folk to movie

scores to retro to blues and rockabilly and he is still doing it after

fifty years. Van Morrison is a close second but didn’t have the

range of styles that the winner has produced.

Best LP:

Adrian Gurvitz “Sweet Vendetta” (Sorry, it isn’t the best... it’s my favourite.)

and the close runner–up is “Veedon Fleece” by Van Morrison.

John Wilson, April 2017

Please note: no communication will be entered into. Thank you.

Postscript: After further reflection I feel compelled to include Irish balladeer Paul Brady in

this list of the best. His career as composer, singer and guitarist over a lifetime is

extraordinary. This is not to overlook one of his songs which I nominate here as the Best

pop song/ Love song ever written and was a major hit for Bonnie Raitt (another great

artist). Titled as “I can’t make you love me”.


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