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The first Buddha I ever owned came from Afghanistan 30 years ago. He has been carved out of brown stone and has a great sense of humour. Perhaps he is laughing at me as I now own 20 Buddhas.

Recently a friend offered me a laughing Buddha, It was exactly the same as my brown one? It made me realise that perhaps Afghanis are creating similar Buddhas which end up as souvenirs for tourists.

I have different styles of laughing Buddhas but the one I love the most is golden/ brass (photo). I wish I could hear his laugh which he seems to do all day long. Maybe he is laughing due to having glasses on his head!

The most tranquil Buddha I have is creamy white and he laughs quietly to himself all day long. All my buddhas seem to be laughing their heads off at someone like me but is it just a sign of how happy they are.

John Wilson

( none of my Buddhas are for sale)


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