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Max Harris Writings

14th August 1990

Dear Mr Harris,

I read your column in “The Australian” on Saturday 11.8.90 with a great deal of interest. I

have two children:

Jordana Rachel Wilson (now 9 years)


Dashiell Alexander Wilson (now 6 years)

Lots of our friends and relatives couldn’t believe our choice of “weird” names at the time,

however, 15 years ago I was booked for speeding. The policeman asked my name.

“Wilson” I said.

“Is it John Wilson?” he asked.

“Yes”. “Is it John Alexander Wilson?”


His name was also John Alexander Wilson. (He said he had booked over 20 of “us” in 4

years). As one who has tried (frantically) hard over the years to be eccentric, different,

crazy, oddball, etc this was the final straw. I swore then that any children I might have

would receive individual names.

Jordana comes from a Leon Uris novel.

Dashiell from Dashiell Hammett the much underrated American writer. I don’t know the

derivation of these names and I don’t care.

Dashiell Wilson is one helluva lot more interesting than John Wilson.


I believe your theory is correct. It is a small cry for INDIVUALITY. And may there be more

of it!


(signed John Wilson)

Sept 2, 1990

Dear John Wilson,

The best of luck to Jordana and Dashiell. My grandson’s name is Ryder - perpetuating a

family surname. I wish my parents had named me Beauregard or Leroy. I find Max boring

and ugly. I guess we must grin and bear it. After all, the greatest of all Italian opera writers

translates to “Joe Green”.

All the best

Max Harris


(Max Harris was a well known Australian poet and writer and was a regular columnist for

the Weekend Australian newspaper for many years. He also started the chain of Mary

Ryan Bookshops. (I just love his reference to Giuseppe Verdi!)

John A Wilson (also known as “Jack” and “The Fox”)


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