The sun kisses the earth every morning and the light and earth pervades everything.
In the evening, it leaves us to be repeated endlessly. Trees grow without questions. Rivers flow knowingly to the ocean. Everything moves forever into the future. It is timeless and unchallenged.
Animals and birds at play don’t notice the miracle of flowers, the beauty of the stars or the terror of a storm. Yet we tend to be so concerned with the fragments of our lives that we don’t see the world for what it holds. All complaints, worries of violence have no place in the future.
The wars of fighting, political squabbles and hatred have no place in the future.
The wars and fighting, political squabbles and hatred are simply a mirror of the self obsession we torment ourselves with each day. The universe doesn’t care about your worries ad fears. There is no place for them.
For you to be free, it takes only a little time to explore your very own nature and natural world around you. It is to be here now, to hear the waves or the calling of the birds, to feel the wind or a shadow cast by a cloud.
The worries of failure, your searching for success, will disappear easily as breathing.
Heaven is not up in the clouds somewhere. The only heaven is in the air in your lungs and the love in your heart.
John A Wilson
May 2024