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Piss Off Buddy

So it’s ti

me to tell you to piss off Buddy, but I don’t mean Buddy Franklin (who was called 

Buddy by his parents and friends as he grew up in the wheat fields of Western Australia thirty years ago.) No, this is directed at the poor imitative wimps in Australia who are adopting “Buddy” (or even worse!) “Bud” as a day to day greeting. What has happened to mate? Why are so many of us using yank talk when it is not colourful or clever? Do you ever hear the Brits or the French using Buddy or Bud or Dude or Bro? Are we happy to be poor cousins living in the shadows of the USA and happy to hear the end of OZ talk? Like hell! Strewth! It makes me sick! Let’s bring back Australian speech and accent! It is colourful, amusing and different and it’s used all over this wide brown land so let’s welcome it back. 

Here is a short list of favourites most of which are still in (limited) use: 

Drongo/no-hoper  -  crook/sick  -  arvo/afternoon  -  squiz/quick look  -  tucker/food Snags/sausages  -  hoo-roo/goodbye  -  butchers hook/look  -  daks/pants oldies/parents  -  waffle-on/talk  -  a quid/money  -  daggy/out of fashion  -  bloke/man chock a block/full  -  bonza/beaut(or good)  -  sheila/woman  -  fuck-all/not much veg out/relax  -  bulldust/lies  -  servo/petrol station  -  bugger me/ shocked bugger off/go away(or rack off)  -  get nicked/go away  -  a crook/criminal egg on/encourage  -  knackered/tired  -  cake hole/mouth  -  yakka/hard work dodgy/suspicious  -  in the nuddy/naked  -  cobber/friend  -  brekkie/breakfast bottle-o/alcohol shop  -  rellies/relatives  -  watering hole/bar(or pub)  -  cark it/die yobbo/uncouth person  -  fanny/vagina  -  durry/cigarette  -  It’s a cracker/exciting 

Seeya Mate and ‘ave a goodweekend. 

John A Wilson, Gold Coast, September 2018


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