Some well-known wit or satirist suggested recently that Australia hasn’t had sixty years of television and shouldn’t celebrate it because we had one year only which we repeated endlessly for the next fifty nine years. There is certainly some truth in that!
Other experts maintain that the state of your garage (or storage shed) reflects accurately the state of your mind. Go and deny it but it probably is fairly accurate as well. Do you live in a chaos of boxes of stuff and tools you can’t find? Is your life planned and tidy? Everything in its place including financial affairs? The rule is tidy mind equals tidy life.
New Year Resolutions? Same ones every January 1st every year? I’m going to lose weight. I’m going to drink less. I’m going to be a more loving person. Do they all sound familiar? The average period to sustain a New Year resolution is one week to ten days then its back to eating and drinking “normally” or as before.
Then we have the Italian saying “The first day of the New Year will reflect the entire year to follow.” When I heard this I called my girl (lady)friend who is not Italian but was visiting family interstate. We talked for almost an hour on January 1st. It was joyous, amusing, loving and tender. When I disconnected I wished we had been together but then the “First Day of the Year Principle” kicked in and my smile widened. 2018 will be reflected beautifully week after week because that is the way we want our relationship to grow and January 1st was the mirror. I feel very sorry for anyone who has spent the first day in a hang-over haze.
It’s going to be a long year but they will no doubt repeat it again in 2019.
Good Luck and Happy New Year.
January 3rd, 2018