You, no doubt, know the story of the South African farmer who left his farm on the veldt to wander around Botswana and Namibia searching for diamonds and how after years he returned home totally disillusioned and penniless only to discover diamonds in the creek of his own farm. The story is a myth. The Iranians (Persians) have a fable saying the same thing. But the precious stones are valuable for their beauty as well as their worth. Here are my twenty priceless diamonds to consider:
1. Nothing is over until you stop trying. Ask the skater
Steven Bradbury.
2. Never forget that a person’s greatest emotional need is
to be appreciated. It’s easy to forget …just ask your Mum
or Dad.
3. It’s by taking risks that we learn how to grow, how to be braver. Being safe is not always the best option.
4. If you are in a hole, stop digging. Get out while you can see daylight or else you’ll be buried.
5. Balance in life is fundamental. Any kind of excess or obsession will knock you off track. Life is a balancing act so keep checking.
6. Every single day is a new start. Identify and try to change any new unwanted habits in your life. Are you truly the person you think you are?
7. Calmness is powerful as it leads you to serenity which leads to strength. A strong, calm person is almost impossible to beat.
8. Try to be your best at all times. Hope for the best and believe in the best. 9. Laughter is the best calorie burner as well as being good medicine.
10. Discouragement is a killer. Get rid of it before discouragement gets rid of you. 11. Stay strong when everything is going wrong (or when it appears to be). 12.Remember to believe in kissing (and kissing a lot).
13. Don’t be afraid to quit something. Quitting is under-rated and under-used. Fear of quitting can paralyse you.
14. If you have kids and don’t have time to read to them at bedtime you are depriving them of growth and security. And depriving yourself.
15. Listen closely to your inner-guidance system (or gut feeling). It is rarely wrong. 16. Inspiration and perspiration are twins and always are working together.
17. Do you soul talk? And do you mind talk? (hard to avoid this one) but do you ever listen to your heart (heart-talk)?
18. Health, peace of mind, happiness and fulfilment are more powerful than money. And more valuable.
19. Your soul longs for experiences while your mind pursues “things”. 50-50 seems to be the correct mix but 70-30 is better than no soul at all.
20. “Go with the flow” and believe in it as it is so powerful. The flow leads into “the zone” which is peaceful and simultaneously powerful. Impossible to beat when you’re in the zone. Ask Roger Federer.
John A Wilson, Gold Coast 2017